Neurolinguistic Programming

Freedom Party and Personal Transformation on Your nEXt Chapter Podcast Guesting with Dr. Nicole


Freedom Party and Personal Transformation with Dr. Maiysha Clairborne Change [...]

Freedom Party and Personal Transformation on Your nEXt Chapter Podcast Guesting with Dr. Nicole2025-03-08T23:41:34+00:00

BBB #37: Behind Sustainable Leadership – The Importance of Collective Intelligence with Robert Dilts


Let's discuss the importance of collective intelligence. In this episode [...]

BBB #37: Behind Sustainable Leadership – The Importance of Collective Intelligence with Robert Dilts2025-02-12T08:25:10+00:00

BBB #35: Prioritizing Yourself As a Professional Mom in the Workplace with Dr. La Toya Luces-Sampson


Let's talk about prioritizing yourself as a professional mom in [...]

BBB #35: Prioritizing Yourself As a Professional Mom in the Workplace with Dr. La Toya Luces-Sampson2025-02-15T22:10:27+00:00

BBB #34: Recognizing the Characteristics of White Supremacism in Order to Interrupt with Dr. Jill Wener


Let's recognize the characteristics of white supremacism! In this episode, [...]

BBB #34: Recognizing the Characteristics of White Supremacism in Order to Interrupt with Dr. Jill Wener2025-02-15T22:23:07+00:00
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