“The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With the First Step” ~Lao Tzu

How many times have you said to yourself:

I’m not good enough ….
I’m not smart enough …
I don’t have enough (time, money, love..)
I don’t know if I can do it… What if I fail?
If they only knew… I’m a fraud
I’m not ready yet…I have to figure it all out first

What would it be like to get rid of these conversations altogether?


If you are ready to:

  • Have the confidence to go for what you want in business, career, leadership, and relationships
  • Be free of the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck and in the back seat of your life
  • Let go of the past hurt and pain that keeps you from connecting with the people you love most
  • Shed the emotional weight of the past that could be keeping physical weight on
  • Become a master communicator… one that attracts, inspires and motivates the people in your life
  • Activate the law of attraction in your life and produce more opportunities, income, and incredible results in your life
  • Transform your relationship to money, abundance, and wealth
  • Expand your level of leadership
  • Gain clarity on exactly what you want and the path to achieve it


We offer a variety of deep breakthrough processes that will help you to break through old negative thinking, bad habits, negative emotions, that are keeping you stuck.

We Transform our clients using the following processes

  • Hypnotherapy
  • NLP Process for Habit Change
  • NLP Quick Belief Change
  • Time Line Therapy for Deep Emotional Release
  • Time Line Therapy for Limiting Belief Release
  • Transformational Leadership Coaching
  • NLP Communication Coaching


  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Negative Thinking
  • Releasing Past Trauma
  • Food Cravings & Binge Eating
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Phobias
  • Setting Boundaries
  • Leadership
  • Fear of Speaking
  • Fear of Flying

Bring Psychological Safety & Trauma Responsiveness to Your Organization