What is Timeline Therapy?

Time Line Therapy is a powerful emotional release technique that help you eliminate old negative emotions, and limiting beliefs from the past and put new empowering thoughts and beliefs in the future so that you can truly be in the drivers seat of your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and therefore results in your life. Sometimes we hold on to old emotions and limiting beliefs from our past that can keep us from living in the now, being our best self, and performing at our highest potential. Time Line Therapy, an NLP based technique developed by Master NLP & Hypnosis Trainer Tad James is a very powerful and precise way of getting rid of these negative emotions and limiting beliefs and decisions at the subconscious and unconscious level.

This trauma informed process allows you to eliminate the internal conversations about yourself that may be linked to past experiences or even passed down trauma as well. This allows you to transform your internal programming.  Now, you might be wondering, how do I know if things in my past are affecting me right now? Let’s take a look.

How do You Know That You’re Reacting to Old Experiences?

Have you ever been talking to someone and they said something to you and you reacted in a way that (even for you) seemed a little extra?  Or maybe you get a strong response to certain phrases, words or even people and you don’t know why?  This is one way to know that you might be reacting to something in your past.  Sometimes certain words, experiences, phrases or people remind us unconsciously of things in our past that we have not fully resolved yet.  Perhaps a relationship didn’t end well… or you grew up in a toxic family environment… or you had a bad or significant emotional experience as a child, in school, or even at work.  If you find that something triggers you , in a way that is much bigger than maybe you feel it should be (or if you are running into the same old experiences or people over and over again), that might be an indication that you’re reacting to something in the past… to an old experience.

For example, if you have an experience that triggers a deep memory from the past, or feels familiar to something in the past, that is an indication that you’re actually not responding to the event itself but some old experience from the past. These triggers can keep you stuck in those old emotions and prevent you from being able to move forward and being at peace with that even.  This is why Time Line Therapy Technique is so powerful. It helps you to release those old emotions so you can move and be free of the past things that are (unconsciously) getting in your way.

Personal Breakthrough Session

Get rid of the old anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, and shame keeping you stuck. Completely disappear limiting beliefs & self sabotaging behaviors stifling your success. Take your life to the next level of communication, confidence, connectedness, expression, love, freedom, & peace of mind. Learn about our Personal Transformations Breakthrough Program

What is the Goal of Timeline Therapy?

The goal of Time Line therapy is to help the client subtly and gently release old negative emotions and limiting beliefs, so that they can respond emotionally to present situations based on present situations and not old experiences. This allows them to change old behavior patterns and create new exciting results in their lives.

In Timeline Therapy, we disconnect the emotion, the old negative emotion, and then we give it new context and meaning to that you learn from the thing that originally gave that emotion.  It doesn’t take away your ability to feel emotions, it just has you react to what’s happening in the present (rather than reacting to what happened in the past) so that you can actually be free to move forward with a healthy emotional response in the future. In essence, this technique relies on subconscious self-reprogramming of one’s response and behavior mechanism. Timeline Therapy actually empowers you to take the reins of your life back, by going to the old root cause of the negative emotion and unhooking that old conversation that has locked you in place, and impacts your present-day experience.

What is the Intended Result of Timeline Therapy?

Once we remove the old conversations, the negative experience, and unhook those root causes, you will feel a sense of freedom, power, and confidence, and you’ll be free of these old constrictions in your life. Liberated from these old constrictions, you’re able to perform more powerfully, see more clearly, feel lighter and move with more ease in your life.This will propel you into a fuller and richer experience of day to day life. And not only will you notice it, but your family, your colleagues, your boss, your friends, and the people around you will also notice.

Timeline Therapy technique is a technique that I do very often with my clients, and one I teach in my NLP training certification programs.

If you want to learn more about Time Line Therapy® training, book a call with us