In last week’s article we talked about the things we are anchored to in life.. life’s indoctrinations, and how these indoctrinations not only occur in the physical world, but also in our thoughts and emotions. You see, conditioning is a learning process. Over time we have learned (and been taught) to act and react or respond in certain ways, to certain people, and to certain circumstances. We are behaviorally indoctrinated in certain areas of our life.
However, we can begin to UN-learn these behavioral and thought habits that don’t serve us. Let’s explore a few ways that we can UN-do the indoctrination we’ve been conditioned to accept.
- Learning how our brain works: One of the first places to begin is in the awareness. In my NLP trainings, the first thing we cover is the inner workings of the mind. Learning how we work gives us access to interrupting the processes that not longer serve us.
- Accepting that just because we have been a way in the past, doesn’t mean we are destined to always be that way: I’ve heard so many people say “I”m just this way and I’m not going to change”. When we decide we are not going to learn and grow, then we decide to remain stuck. Believing that we can release old pain, change our thinking, and create new behaviors that create new outcomes in our lives is the first step to actually making it happen.
- Questioning your current beliefs: Your upbringing and exposure up to this point in your life has led you to the beliefs and attitudes you currently have. If you are to expand and/or transform those beliefs, you must examine the current beliefs. What is true? What is false? And where did those beliefs begin?
- Examine possible new beliefs by being in community with others who are growing too: I think the most overlooked part of the growth process is doing it with others. The reason the students who complete our NLP trainings tend to thrive is because we cultivate community in the learning space. People let go of old hurts that they have had for years while learning the skills to help others. In this way, they create deep bonds that last and partnerships that help keep them accountable for their new beliefs, visions, and values.
The bottom line is this. We must acknowledge and understand our conditioning if we are to move out of being at the effect, and move into a place of empowered action. How we do that is by becoming open to solutions that would shine the light on these processes and commit to undoing them. Neurolinguistic Programming can be an effective tool for recognizing and overcoming the limiting thinking that comes with our conditioning. Time Line Therapy is another process by which old negative emotions and stuck beliefs can be released, undoing the indoctrination and sparking empowered action toward the things you desire in your life. There is an old John Wayne quote that says “Sometimes it isn’t being fast that counts, or even accurate; but willing.” If we are willing to step outside of the box that the conditioning has placed us in, then we have a chance at dismantling the conversation not just for ourselves but for the generations to come.
The Mind ReMapping Academy is now taking new applicants for our 2023 4 in 1 NLP Training, & Coach Certification Program.
Join us for our next NLP training. Expand your listening capacity, learn trauma-informed communication, and navigate challenges with ease. Go to www.remapmymind.today. To Schedule a free NLP Training interest today.