In this week’s Mind ReMapping Moment, I am joined by Noah Prince, a consultant, and a coach. We are discussing the Insider-Outsider Mindset.
- What does it mean to be a white man and a human being?
- Once you understand how you are an Insider, how do you move towards that with responsibility, self-love, and a growth mindset?
- How do we unpack our identities?
These and much more await you in this week’s special episode with Noah Prince. In this episode, he will share more about the culture and knowledge poured into him over his journey. Today, we will learn about the importance of humanity and how we apply it to the people around us.
Co- Liberation
An idea that your liberation is tied to others. Sometimes liberation is presented like many things, as an individual act. An individual can get enlightened, can get aware, can practice, and can be deepened. Still, to Noah and me, liberation is a societal thing where life is connected, honoring, and working to create that sense for each of its members.
The Race
Race itself; skin color is a man-made, one-level concept. It is a white-made concept that categorizes white skin in a racial hierarchy or cast system above blacks into several categories. The mindset and the society we built around that have, in many ways, dehumanized people with white skin. White people have become this actual entity, but the humanity underneath it is missing.
Insider/Outside Mindset
It is the idea of beginning to get folks who maybe have had Insider or Social privilege experiences not to feel guilty about diversity and inclusions but to feel responsible, curious, and aware and to be accountable for their curiosity and awareness in practice. This suggests the idea that every organization has a culture. Insiders often need to be made aware of their group status.
We always expect these insider people to find themselves in our organizations. There is always a huge opportunity to grow and go deeper and learn more about yourself. We have to be able to step out of centeredness, out of that comfort, and look for something more profound. Part of that is us supporting, and challenging each other to do it, working in partnership with others so that we are held accountable to do that, and growing together, whatever your inside group is.
About Noah Prince
Noah Prince is a 45-year-old white-skinned cisgender and a universal citizen. His parents are first-generation Americans who believed in peace, justice, and a global community. He brings coaching services and facilitation services to different organizations in the public and private sectors.
Noah is a highly sought Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion facilitator and consultant specializing in supporting “insiders” in different organizations to think about culture and take steps towards being allies and champions for inclusion. He helps leaders shift privilege into equity and supports organizations to grow inclusive cultures that bring a sense of place to their people.
Connect with Noah Prince via the following:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010041069213
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/noah-prince-2007048/
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Hosted by: Dr. Maiysha Clairborne
Check out my TEDx talk https://youtu.be/iOboT5uRhXU
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