In This week’s Mind ReMapping Moment, we talk about the importance of naming our trauma and dysfunction as a gateway to healing.

Growing up as a proud Gen Xer, I remember hearing sayings like “what goes on in this house stays in this house” or “leave your feelings at the door.” These phrases were meant to maintain a sense of privacy and control, but over time, I’ve come to realize the harm they can cause.

When we sweep our traumas and dysfunction under the rug, whether in our families or organizations, we’re essentially hiding the issues, making them invisible, and allowing them to fester. It’s like continuously stuffing trash into a full garbage can – eventually, it overflows and affects everyone.

This approach doesn’t just lead to a dirty environment; it also damages relationships, safety, and overall well-being. Even those doing the sweeping, often driven by shame or guilt, are impacted by these negative emotions.

The access point to healing lies in naming the dysfunction. By acknowledging the problems, we can take the necessary actions to address them. Whether in a family or organizational context, this step opens the door to various outcomes, from repairing relationships to seeking personal or collective healing.

In both family and work environments, the effects of dysfunction can be far-reaching. Within organizations, it can impact productivity, creativity, and employee satisfaction. Leaders must recognize dysfunction and consider the desired outcomes for their teams and companies. Seeking external perspectives, like consultants or coaches, can be crucial to address blind spots.

So, I encourage you to reflect on what’s been swept under the rug in your life, relationships, or organizations. Let’s break the cycle of dysfunction and trauma and work towards healthier, happier futures. Despite what most people realize, it’s the unconscious mind that runs us. But how is that so? Get your first primer in 21 minutes! Follow and Share these pearls with others.

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Hosted by: Dr. Maiysha Clairborne
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