Welcome Back To Season 4!!!
In This week’s Mind ReMapping Moment, we talk about When Attachment to Purpose Becomes Unhealthy.
In the realm of neurolinguistic programming, we often discuss frames – the mental pictures that shape our thoughts and influence our perception of reality. Purpose, too, is framed in various ways by each individual, as we all hold our unique models of what it signifies.
On one hand, purpose can be an immensely motivating force, providing life with meaning and direction. Phrases like “finding your purpose” or “walking in your purpose” can be empowering. However, there’s a flip side to this frame. An unhealthy attachment to purpose can lead to feelings of unworthiness when we tie our sense of value to it.
Moreover, an attachment to a singular purpose can create tunnel vision, limiting our awareness of alternative opportunities and routes. This is especially evident when individuals find themselves trapped in a career or environment they once believed to be their purpose, but which no longer serves them.
The key insight here is that purpose isn’t static. It evolves and shifts as we progress through life. My personal journey is a testament to this – I once believed my purpose was solely in practicing medicine, but as circumstances changed, I realized that healing, in various forms, was my true calling.
So, instead of viewing purpose as fixed, consider pathways and callings. What are you called to do right now? Embrace change, explore different paths, and allow your purpose to evolve with you. Life is a dynamic journey, shaped by beliefs, values, attitudes, and the evolving collective culture. Embrace this journey with curiosity and an open heart as you uncover the layers of your true purpose.
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Hosted by: Dr. Maiysha Clairborne
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