In This week’s Mind ReMapping Moment, we talk about the importance of aligning family values, specifically why kids’ values matter.
I’ve learned that values are what’s most important to us, whether they’re surface-level or deeper core values that were instilled in us as children by our parents, teachers, and society.
When it comes to kids, their values may seem superficial, but it’s essential to get to the deeper level of what’s important to them. This is because values are what motivates us to our core, and violating them can cause upset and even burnout.
As a parent, I’ve realized that my child’s values are crucial because they guide their decisions and actions, shape their character, and help them understand what’s essential in life. To align our values, I listen to my child, ask them what’s important to them, and model the values I want them to learn.
I’ve found that creating family values and culture that reflect everyone’s importance is also helpful. To spend quality time with my son, I engage in activities that align with his values and interests, such as listening to science podcasts and playing games instead of using electronic devices.
It’s important to go deeper into children’s values by asking follow-up questions like “Why is that important to you?” or “What about that is important to you?” By doing this, I’ve learned how to align my child’s values with mine, and it’s been helpful in motivating them to engage in activities that meet their needs.
I remember how we worked together to participate in a performance that aligned with my son’s values of spending time with friends and practicing the activity. By the end of the performance, my child’s deep value was met, and they were eager to perform again.
Overall, I believe that understanding our children’s values and interests is essential, and creating an environment that fosters their growth and development is crucial. As parents, we can align our values with our kids, and it can have a positive impact on their lives.
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Hosted by: Dr. Maiysha Clairborne
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