In this week’s Mind ReMapping Moment, we talk about why the words we use matter.

Unpacking a recent incident, I shed light on the contrasting headlines surrounding a Montgomery brawl, emphasizing how the choice of words can significantly shape perceptions. Let’s explore how our own filters, shaped by our upbringing, beliefs, and experiences, actively influence and shape the mental images created by the language we encounter.

Drawing your attention to the power of words While words constitute only 7% of communication, their importance cannot be understated. You ought to practice mindful communication, which urges you to observe reactions and responses, especially in group settings. By pausing and asking for feedback like “What do you hear me saying?” we can bridge the gap between our intent and others’ perceptions.

Let’s shift the focus to you as a listener. You need to be proactive in seeking clarification when a statement raises discomfort. I provide a simple yet powerful question: “Was that your intention?” to foster understanding and avoid misunderstandings. I emphasize the role of language in mitigating conflicts, whether in professional relationships, familial dynamics, or social interactions.

There are challenges to asynchronous communication on platforms like social media, where misinterpretations abound. It’s important to initiate dialogue by asking others about their intentions, fostering healthy communication.

You need to apply these communication tools in your daily life to promote better understanding and connection. By being mindful of the words we use and actively seeking clarity in our conversations, we can contribute to more empathetic and effective communication.
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Hosted by: Dr. Maiysha Clairborne

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