In this week’s Mind ReMapping Moment, Dalia Kinsey, a fellow black and an expert dietician, joins me. We are discussing how systemic oppression impacts body image.

· How do you fix your food?

· Where is the part that we can celebrate, and what part of what we are doing doesn’t serve us anymore?

· How are things functioning in your body?

These and many more await you in this week’s special episode with Dalia, Owner of Kinsey Wellness and Communications. In this episode, she will share how she empowers people to use nutrition as a self-care and personalized tool to reclaim their well-being. Today we will learn about dealing with our relationship with food regarding dieting.

Trusting ourselves is foundational.
How we are treated as children and the messaging we have been exposed to influences our relationship with our body, our relationship with control, our relationship with food, and our ability to trust ourselves. Trusting ourselves is foundational to having a friendly relationship with food.

All about Diet.
Dieting has been put forth as a healing tool, something that is going to make you better. When so much research clearly shows that all dieting can do is hurt you. It helps you become obsessed with food, and in the end, it leads to weight gain. It is not that it has never worked for anybody in the world. It is that it only works for some people. What it does successfully do is cause weight gain; it cause more body dissatisfaction.

Ideal Weight as Dominant Culture Norms.
People step on the scale daily because weight has become this dominant cultural norm of ideal weight and useless BMI. All these things become background conversations in our heads when we look at our bodies. We have an internal discussion about that, and then it drives our behavior; it drives how we eat: whether we skip a meal or have the meal.

Give yourself more compassion, and understand that there are two things we are trying to hold here: your body is wise, and it is best to let it take the reins, and you are in a pressure cooker, and what is right for you can change over time, and that is OK.

About Dalia Kinsey

Dalia Kinsey is a Registered Dietitian, host of the Body Liberation for All podcast, and author of Decolonizing Wellness: A QTBIPOC-Centered Guide to Escape the Diet Trap, Heal Your Self-Image, and Achieve Body Liberation. Dalia speaks, leads workshops, and provides tailored group and individual coaching.

Dalia owns Kinsey Wellness and Communications, which teaches body-led eating as a mindfulness tool and joy in the way of eating. Her passion is to help people understand that if you feel like your body is not the way you want it to be or feel out of control around food, you have not failed.

Connect with Dalia Kinsey via the following:




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Hosted by: Dr. Maiysha Clairborne

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