In This week’s Mind ReMapping Moment, we talk about the Getting to the Root Cause of a Complaint in Our Young Person.
As caregivers or educators, we may come across situations where a child or teenager expresses discomfort or dissatisfaction, but struggles to articulate the underlying issue. It could be a physical ailment, such as a headache or stomach ache, or an emotional concern, such as feeling anxious or sad. Whatever the complaint, it’s essential to dig deeper and uncover the root cause to provide appropriate support.
One effective way to do this is to use the “5 Whys” technique. It involves asking a series of “why” questions to peel away the layers of a problem until you reach the core issue.
For example, if a student says they don’t want to go to school, you could ask:
  • Why don’t you want to go to school?
  • Because I don’t like my teacher.
  • Why don’t you like your teacher?
  • Because they’re mean to me.
  • Why do you think they’re mean to you?
  • Because I didn’t finish my homework.
  • Why didn’t you finish your homework?
  • Because I didn’t understand the instructions.
By asking these questions, you can see that the root cause of the student’s reluctance to go to school is not the teacher’s demeanor, but rather their struggle to understand the homework instructions. Once you’ve identified the root cause, you can work with the young person to find solutions or provide resources to address the issue.
Remember, taking the time to uncover the root cause of a complaint is an essential step in supporting the well-being of our young people. We hope this Mind ReMapping Moment has been helpful, and we’ll be back soon with more tips and insights.
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Hosted by: Dr. Maiysha Clairborne
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